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I have always had a deep interest in health and wellbeing, and with an inner desire to do more, I commenced my studies in nutrition and became board certified in holistic health. These together with my psychology degree and work, have put me on my path to helping others further. As I see it, small adjustments can have big impacts on the health and wellbeing of many, and I would love to be that catalyst for some.

The growth of children’s sensitivities and illness are also disturbing to me, with these only increasing, and we are not seeing or taking enough notice. We are not taking note or responsibility of our health enough. Modern society is focused on creating instant relief and short term fixes through costly research and investment without enough focus on the why. What and why triggered this in the first place.

I have seen the pain and distress this places on a family when children are ill and suffer sickness on a regular basis, and I will work to help educate on this where ever I can.

I agree you deserve to feel free from irritations and discomfort, for now and your future and doing this within a realistic time frame. That time frame is knowing how to navigate your body and what is optimal health. My approach is to empower you and support you take that action, so you can regain that accountability and confidence with your health.

  • I am here to help guide you on what keeps you well and how this is best suited to your unique physiology.
  • I am here to help transform beliefs you hold on food and health for greater feelings, and energy, enjoyment, social consciousness allowing you to become more empowered to live at your fullest.
  • I am here to help provide you a helping hand in your wellbeing journey, particularly as you plan to free yourself of autoimmune conditions and plan your family or life stage you are at.
  • I am here to be at your side through the hard work and explain the why.

I have gathered insight from a number of world renowned practitioners in the practice of Holistic Health and follow many Functional and Integrative Doctors and Nutritionists about alternative treatments and options on wellbeing. With this new knowledge, I too have used this to benefit my health, and the health of those close to me.

My understandings and beliefs consider the whole and I impart principles that can move wellbeing, feelings, and acceptance. I believe there is no one diet that fits all. That our food resources are altered more than is appreciated or communicated, and that there are many elements around us, that have changed the way the body can thrive.

We are in times where we have to pay attention to our health, as these times are not as fortunate as those times gone by. There are new variables in the way we live today, and not taking notice of oneself, can put you at risk for illness and disease, starting with the small niggles and symptoms.

My health not only comes from my consistent practice and awareness, it has also had large influences from my beginnings and how I have been able to develop and grow. I also know that I choose to make my health a core focus in my life. How it is fundamental to me and my overall wellbeing. I know I feel the difference when health is not a focus and that is what I draw from today.

It is so easy to fall off the path in looking after yourself, but I encourage you to feel inspired and realise how you can create momentum and continue to be that difference in the world, more so when healthy and well. I aim to encourage those optimal points and to demystify those low points.

 My Beginnings

I was brought up and belong to a family in sync with nature, my mother a Nurse caring for the sick and part time calf feeder, chicken keeper, goat herder and food provider, incorporating alternative health practices where she could. A father Farmer, lover of land and what is grown upon it.  My aunts and uncles lovers and toilers of farmland and its produce, learning its ebbs and flow. I now see and understand how this was such a deep grounding for me and purposeful way to grow through the early stages of life, and creates my appreciation of whom we are, and the place we live even more.

My brothers and I were so fortunate to have this beginning, in experiencing nature and a wholesome life. Many have never had a picture like this, however each of us to some degree, have an authentic way to whom, and how we live, from our own beginnings. These beginnings carry that spark into your life today.

My early adult years then provided me opportunities to spread my wings, to live in several countries having freedom and choice, experiencing some truly interesting cuisines and practices, things I appreciate their purposes for, far more now – filmjolk anyone? I started to notice the way I felt when I ate different foods, how it impacted my thoughts, and particularly how it changed my energy and skin. I started to change what I ate.

Not without its challenges

So, through the new environments and lifestyles in which we now live, it has been hard to the body and soul. Like many, I too have had my own health and wellbeing challenges. Most gut related and at the peak, a serious parasite, whereby I had a long period of misdiagnose. So not only do I know what it feels like to be unwell and drained of energy and health in the day to day, but also having no clear direction or support from the conventional health system or knowing what to do. I resolved this through the help of others not in the most straight forward way.

It made me research and learn. The more I discovered the more I started to realise how the basics and most simplistic of things are some of the most powerfully healing, and easiest for us to do as humans on this planet. I realised how much the impact traditional ways could make to people to keeping them well. And how we are truly connected to the earth and its cyclical beat.

If only we all knew a few of these age-old practices and changed our behaviours to include these more. With this change making impacts for greater wellbeing.

Having an autistic nephew and seeing the pain and conditions this places on a family, together with my own experiences of IVF sorrow, I want to be able to support others avoid this. I would like to help the world heal itself and be able to diminish these stories and this hurt. I would like to encourage love and strength when moving through change and maintaining a Holistic lifestyle.

I would now like to share my knowledge and experiences, so you have a quicker path to meeting your aspirations with abundant ease, and good health all the way.

Will you join me in the quest to knowing more?