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Time for a mini health reset?

Seasonal change is a magical thing. It signals to us the change in nature, and here is the perfect time to also make an adjustment. As we are so connected to the earth’s cycle, we are smart when we operate in sync. Just like the times of the day, rising and falling with the sun. Being at our most creative and energetic.

Days are becoming shorter in the southern or longer in the northern hemisphere, and you will be feeling inclined to shift your focus unconsciously on what activities you can get up to in the next few months. Or maybe this is a reminder you consider this.
It’s also a great time to switch up your diet. Those luscious fruits or stews will make way for the change of your energy needs and temperatures. What fruit and vegetables that come into season should be the focus, and you can dream up new recipes and drinks with anticipation and drool!
Detoxing is another great practice to consider. Usually associated with Spring, but any seasonal change is a great time to give yourself a reset. Detoxing can be done through a gentle food cleanse, one which is low in pH and easy on the digestive system. Another assissted with more drawing and pushing supplements to help the body cleanse on a deeper level, or a practice where you refrain from food altogether and cleanse with plenty of water and practices which support and adjust detoxification pathways, leaving digestion fully at rest. Determining which to do will come down to what you personally see as right just now. The last few months may have been hard on the body or the mind, or you may have just had a very calm and peaceful period.

Seasons can be very soul adjusting, memory building and a time to let go. Letting go of old poor principles, practices and thoughts but at the same new and exciting for what to let in and begin.

We may even be more drawn to connect more or withdraw, what ever the case, check in with yourself to see how that is going for you. We are all social creatures and need to restore our connections more than possibly realised. However if you know this about yourself try to plan ahead and that way you don’t have to be more critical on the topic.

Whether you like the long nights or longer days, take peace with the moment and feel alive in the change. After all we are at our greatest here, right now, here in the moment, no matter the season.

Variety is key and with this, the change of season a tap on the shoulder to remember.